Frequently Asked Questions

  • How Can Therapy Help Me

    The decision to engage in therapy is an act of self-compassion. Therapy offers a space to acknowledge and work through challenges, process difficult emotions, and explore experiences without judgement or shame. Through the process of therapy individuals can build a safe, trusting relationship with all parts of themselves as well as with others.

  • How Do I Know If We're A Good Fit

    Feeling well matched with your therapist is important. Having someone you trust and feel safe with is an essential component to successful treatment. I offer a free 20 minute phone call for you to decide if working together is the right fit for you.

    Schedule Intro Call

  • What To Expect

    Sessions are 50 minutes. I ask new clients to meet with me weekly as we build rapport and establish goals for therapy. After that initial time, we will determine the frequency of sessions based on your needs. Typically, weekly sessions are most helpful in helping you reach your goals.

    All session are held online.

  • Insurance

    I am out-of-network with all insurance plans. Many insurance plans offer out of network coverage. I will verify your out of network benefits to help you understand your reimbursement rate. Many insurance plans will reimburse between 60% - 80%.

  • Fees

    $185 — 50 minutes

    I provide super-bills each month for you to submit to your insurance for reimbursement.

  • Payment

    I accept all credit cards, HSA/FSA cards, and process payment through a secure HIPAA compliant processor.

    I hold recurring appointment times for clients, and have a 24 hour cancellation policy.

  • Out of Network Benefits

    I encourage everyone to call their insurance company with the following questions:

    Do I have out of network benefits?

    If so, what is my out of network deductible and how much of it has been met this year?

    Once I have met that deductible, what percentage will insurance reimburse me for?

    How many sessions per year does my health insurance cover?

    How much will I be reimbursed for a 45 minute psychotherapy session (CPT code: 90834)?

    How do I submit “super-bills” for reimbursement?

  • Good Faith Estimate

    Prior to becoming a client at Meeting Place Therapy, you will receive a Good Faith Estimate which outlines rights and protections for consumers, and helps consumers understand the cost of therapy before receiving health care. You will be asked to review the Good Faith Estimate and sign off that you received the estimate prior to starting treatment.

    For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit

  • Where Are Sessions Held

    I am currently seeing clients via telehealth throughout the state of New Jersey. Sessions are held from the comfort of your home or office using a HIPAA compliant video platform.