Trauma + EMDR

Build an anchoring, safe relationship with yourself as you navigate and heal current or previous life challenges.

Trauma can leave an indelible impression that impacts you throughout your life. Trauma may be a single event that is specific in recollection, or it may be less clear harms that build into a significant wound over time. It can be difficult to realize the impacts of trauma, or you may feel like what’s in the past doesn’t affect you presently. Trauma focused therapy supports you in processing your experience and building tools to feel safe and more connected to yourself and others.

You are deserving of healing.

Trauma Focused Therapy:

  • Attachment and relational wounds can occur early in life with a parent or care provider, or at any age within a close relationship.

    These can occur through neglect, abandonment, betrayal, physical, emotional, and verbal abuse, having a caregiver with substance/addiction issues or who is withdrawn/unavailable, or poor boundaries within a relationship or family.

    This can relate to the way you show up in and form relationships as an adult. With support you can heal from, and reshape the ways you build safety and connection inside relationships.

  • Counseling for IPV will provide you a safe, confidential, and non-judgmental space to meet you where you are. Focus on creating safety and building self-esteem to support you in exploring and express your thoughts, feelings, and needs whether you’re currently in an abuse relationship or have been in the past.

  • If you’ve experienced birth trauma (this includes during pregnancy and early postpartum) I want you to know you’re not alone. Birth trauma can be incredibly isolating and consume your postpartum thoughts. Treatment is possible; there is hope.

    There are many different factors that can lead to a traumatic birthing experience including anything related to TTC, pregnancy, birth, or postpartum.

    We’ll work together to unpack your experience and feelings related to pregnancy, birth, and postpartum while exploring ways to cope with your current symptoms.

    Learn more about my work in Perinatal Mental Health HERE

  • I am trained with the use of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy.

    Discovered by Dr. Francine Shapiro, (EMDR) therapy is one of the most researched and utilized in the treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), with anxiety, and other distressing life events. EMDR helps to ‘process’ traumatic memories to find relief from anxiety and post-traumatic stress symptoms.

    Currently under supervision for the use of EMDR.

    Learn more about EMDR HERE

Throughout the past decade I’ve held a special interest and dedication toward learning and working with trauma. I support you in building an anchoring, safe relationship with yourself as you navigate current or previous challenges.

Learn ways to build safe, trusting, and joyful connections with yourself and your loved ones.

Develop self compassion, curiosity, and trust in yourself as you learn to live more in the present.

Gain understanding to the roots of your patterns, beliefs, and behaviors.

Build an understanding of your triggers, and develop coping tools to stay more connected.

Trauma Focused Therapy FAQs:

  • Trauma is a lasting emotional response that tends to override your nervous system, stemming from a distressing event(s) in your life.

    There is no hierarchy in trauma. Even if you feel others “have it worse” does not mean what occurred to you doesn’t need support. Experiencing a traumatic event can harm your sense of safety, sense of self, and your ability to regulate and navigate relationships. You are deserving of healing.

  • Therapy is always at your pace, with you in control of what you’re ready to share. You can heal through trauma without sharing every detail of your experience. Together we will discuss what approach feels safest for you in meeting your goals.

  • The therapeutic process looks different for everyone and is based on your own unique needs and goals. Psychotherapy can offer short-term support for a specific issue, or have longer-term objectives targeting challenging patterns or your desire for more personal growth.

    Moving on from therapy is a process that we will engage in together, at your own pace.

Trauma focused therapy throughout New Jersey